Our year long job training program launches rural women's careers in
non-traditional domains.
They get trained in entrepreneurial mindset & get technical skills in our Mini-MBA program.
This breaks the stereotypical mould of "silai-kadai-bunai" livelihoods for rural women.
A Sapnewaali is a woman with a dream to Learn, Earn and Excel!
Our alumni shifts norms both in office and at home.
For companies, with improved retention and diversity culture and at home by shifting oppressive norms.
Sapnewaalis are trained in entry-level skill sets in management profiles
When a company hires Sapnewaali, it benefits the business by improved retention rates, low hiring cost, & complete compliances.
Companies get to build nation, one rural hire at a time.
Hear more about rural women's dream, building a non-profit and everything in between, subscribe