Sajhe's model is build on publicly available insights and existing models in skilling, rural development domain. In gratitude, we want to pay it forward by ensuring we keep sharing our program design, approaches that are working and not working to strengthen this vibrant ecosystem.
Sapnewaalis continue to surprise us with how they negotiate with life as they become first women in their families to earn more than men, delay marriages, have a confident say in their mobility and family matters.
What is scarce in the system? What’s abundant in the system?
Can you design a solution that makes scarce resources irrelevant and the abundant ones essential to its success?
Funding for Failure is the risk capital that lets bold ideas breathe. It is not reckless, rather strategic. It is funding for bets bold enough that even the failure is worth something.
It is an essential and unfortunately, a scarce ingredient for innovation in the nonprofits in India.
Fear hunts me when we are alone. Faith often arrives with people. Fear is loud, faith is stubborn. Both can be unreasonable.
Phula and Sonmanti’s stories offer a new hypothesis grounded in social change: when daughters earn more than their fathers, how does it affect the breadwinner-dependent dynamic?
'Sapnewaali Ki Seekh' is a go-to platform for early career professionals, especially rural women to
get leadership and management advice that helps them excel in their careers.
Curriculum design process and content for Sajhe Sapne's first skilling course on Rural Development and Management.
Knowledge Partner: Aavishkaar
The document is the summary of discussion between 15 practitioners giving some practical tips on content production, content stickiness and delivery of education content through TV
A summary report of a discussion between development practitioners in India to address challenges of mobilising girls for continuing education during COVID.
Learnings and insights from our recent crowdfunding campaign where we raised INR 25lac in 4 days. This video has practical tips on how to design and execute a successful campaign.
A solidarity statement for Dalit and Women's Movements in India, written in the light of Hathras gang-rape and exploitation case.
Without a collective, no real work and impact is made. Fostering and sustaining a collective is a relatable experience for anyone who leads a collective. At Sajhe Sapne, we want to open the floor for these and similar questions.
Sapnewaali is a podcast on life and leadership lessons from women achievers in villages. Young adults from villages lead these conversations to learn from their relatable role models.
Connect with us to broadcast these episodes in your communities.
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